Alexis Fugere- Accounting Specialist- Resource Center
Published on July 03, 2024.jpg)
Welcome Alexis to the True North Family! Before joining True North, Alexis worked at Bison Transport USA as a Billing Clerk. She is originally from Williston but has lived in Grand Forks for 13 years. Alexis and her fiancé have 2 dogs, a shepherd lab mix and a yorkie.
A Quick Q&A with Alexis
What excites you about your new job at True North Equipment? "I'm excited to work with people who are passionate about their work and proud of their company and products. I'm also excited to learn more about the industry."
Favorite Snack: Chips and guac
Favorite Food: It's hard to pick a favorite - but pasta is always a yes!
Favorite things to do? I like to be outside in the summer time, we go camping and take the boat out. I also like to read, cook, and travel.
What kind of music do you play in your car? Alternative - Punk/Emo
What's something on your bucket list? Visit all 7 continents
What's your favorite/most memorable adventure? My first solo trip was to Bali, Indonesia in Sept 2014 - I joined a volunteer program to teach English to school age children. I had two classes, one with teens and one with 8-10 year olds, both were very fun. We (volunteer teachers) had free time in the mornings and the weekends to explore the island.
If you could have lunch with anyone (dead or alive, famous or personal) who would it be? Anthony Bourdain