Brent Johnson - Corporate Service Manager
Published on December 16, 2024
Welcome Brent to the True North Family! Before joining True North, Brent was a shop manager at SJ Louis Construction. He is a life-long resident of Hatton, ND. Brent and his wife have 2 children, 1 freshman in college and 1 senior in high school. His background has always been equipment related and was an employee of TNE several years ago!
A Quick Q&A with Brent
What excites you about your new job at True North Equipment? "The people, both co-workers and customer, as well as the growth of the company."
Favorite Snack: Jerky or chips
Favorite Food: Cajun inspired food
Favorite things to do? Work on or ride my Harleys
What kind of music do you play in your car? Anything older
What's something on your bucket list? Trip to the Carolinas to ride the Tail of the Dragon Highway
What's your favorite/most memorable adventure? A cross country motorcycle trip to the Texas coast with my wife.
If you could have lunch with anyone (dead or alive, famous or personal) who would it be? Father, uncle or grandparents. They have all passed so another chance to sit down and chat would be great