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Jody Sorum- Accounting Manager- Resource Center

Published on September 16, 2024

Welcome Jody to the True North Family! Jody is an Accounting Manager at the Resource Center. Before joining True North, Jody worked in accounting at Harriston Industries and Tri Steel Manufacturing. She has a son who's a freshman in East Grand Forks who plays football, wrestles varsity for Red River HS and participates in Track and Field. Jody enjoys tinkering in her work shop and assisting with her boyfriend Mario's DJ events.

A Quick Q&A with Jody

What excites you about your new job at True North Equipment? "I can't wait to join the True North family and help grow the legacy in the area. "

Favorite Snack: Popcorn and Dr. Pepper

Favorite Food: Ribeye steak

Favorite things to do? Carpentry, puzzles, cooking and crafts

What kind of music do you play in your car? Country or 1990s-2010s top 100

What's something on your bucket list? Guided fishing from Washington state to Alaska.

What's your favorite/most memorable adventure? Dog show trips with 19 dogs and 3 humans. 

If you could have lunch with anyone (dead or alive, famous or personal) who would it be? Anthony Bourdain

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