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Shane Fleming - Parts Sales Professional - Grand Forks

Published on April 08, 2023

Shane FlemingPlease Welcome Shane Fleming to the Parts Department in our Grand Forks location. We are as excited as he is to join the True North Equipment Parts Sales team. Formally a part of the parts/inventory system at Knife River Materials in Bemidji, MN, he brings years of parts experience with him. 
After living in Bemidji for ten years, his wife and three-month-old son moved to Grand Forks, North Dakota, last March.

A small Q&A with Shane Fleming

Favorite Snack: Peanut Butter Oreos

Favorite Food: Breakfast Foods

Favorite things to do: Play Golf, spend time with family, and travel to new places.

Favorite Music: Anything except techno and Opera

What is something on his bucket list? My wife and I want to travel to Ireland and Finland

His most memorable adventure was: Last Summer I camped off the St.Louis River with some friends for a week. Best camping trip I've ever been on.

If you could have lunch with ANYONE (Dead or alive) who would it be? Nikola Tesla, because he is extremely unnderated and under appreciated.

We're excited to have Shane Fleming on board in the Parts Department in our Grand Forks location.

Casey HIllebrand

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  • John Deere