Stacy Hangsleben - Customer Service Advisor - Grand Forks
Published on October 30, 2024
Welcome Stacy to the True North Family! Before joining True North, Stacy worked as a Project Coordinator for Community Contractors, Inc. She was born and raised in East Grand Forks. She has a dog named Cedar, a lab.
A Quick Q&A with Stacy
What excites you about your new job at True North Equipment? "Meeting new people."
Favorite Snack: Fruit and veggies
Favorite Food: Con queso and Chinese food
Favorite things to do? Gardening, yard work and hunting
What kind of music do you play in your car? Country
What's something on your bucket list? Go to Alaska
What's your favorite/most memorable adventure? Hunting with my dad
If you could have lunch with anyone (dead or alive, famous or personal) who would it be? My mom, dad and brother.