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Winter Storm Prep

Published on November 09, 2022


Like it or not, winter weather is here, and we are about to experience our first winter weather event in the Red River Valley. Are you prepared for a fall on the sidewalk or being stranded on the side of the road? Have you rearranged your garage, moved your winter equipment to the front, and tucked the push mower to the back? At True North Equipment, our goal is to make it Safely Home Each Day. 

In preparation for the storm, we talked to True North Equipment's Turf and Agriculture Sales Team in Northwood and Grand Forks to see how they've prepared at home and work for the approaching storm.

How do you prepare your garage for winter weather?

Cody Amb: 

Fuel additives in gas help keep the engine and carburetors running clean and assist in trouble-free starting. Nothing worse than a snowblower that won't start when 12" of the white stuff is coming. 
Diesel engines should run #1 fuel in temperatures below 12 degrees. Diesel Anti Gel additives greatly assist regular #2 diesel for temperatures down to zero.

What equipment do you suggest customers use to help clear snow and keep walkways and driveways safe?

Cody Amb: 
True North has a great selection of Snow Removal equipment, from DR Power Walk behind snowblowers to Large 3-point Row Crop tractor snowblowers. No project is too big or too small. We have a solution to help you move the white stuff.
Todd Swartz:
I suggest a walk-behind or a small lawn garden tractor for small operations and compact tractors for larger operations like out on the farm.


How do you prepare your vehicle for the commute in winter weather?

Some tips from Cody Amb: 

  • I recommend a winter survival kit be in everyone's vehicle. 
  • Download your state's DOT road app or check their website for road conditions before you leave home or work. (See below for links to Minnesota and North Dakotas Weather Road Maps)
  • Plan your route carefully and take your time. 
  • Don't travel if you don't need to; a full fuel tank is necessary if you travel in adverse conditions. Most people don't realize your vehicle will consume anywhere from ½-1 gallon of fuel per hour if you are idling. We all know how much our cars hold, would a ¼ tank or less get you through the night if you had to wait for help? 

What does your location do to the property to keep customers safe while visiting True North Equipment during winter? 

Cody Amb: 
Northwood store has a walk-behind snowblower and salt for our sidewalks. We have a big push blade to tackle snow drifts and clean off the drive for our customers.
Todd Swartz: 
Clear snow with a Payloader or Shovel or Blow off sidewalks and doorways. Salt—Salt is needed.

If the store is closed due to poor weather conditions, how can folks view equipment from the safety of their home?

Cody Amb:
New and Used equipment can be viewed through our website, Or you can download our TNE app and get an up-to-date inventory of our excellent used equipment.

What else is essential that people should remember about staying safe in winter weather?

Todd Swartz:
You should have two types of kits in the car: an emergency survival kit and an emergency first-aid kit. The survival kit prepares you for a stranded situation. So, I bring cards or something for boredom. I, of course, have warm clothes, lots to drink, and food like snickers. Most importantly, an emergency First-aid kit has your bandages, cleaning solutions, and other items you'd need if you or someone ever got hurt.
Cody Amb:
Plan ahead and be safe. I know I'd rather be home with my family instead of stuck in a ditch somewhere.

Winter Weather Resources

North Dakota Department of Transportation Road Conditions Map:,47.793,-97.037,48.140

Minnesota Department of Transportation Road Conditions Map:,46.92432,6?show=metroTrafficMap,roadReports,winterDriving,weatherWarningsAreaEvents,stationsAlert,otherStateInfo

Casey HIllebrand

  • Stihl
  • John Deere